Abby was a calm baby..somewhat dramatic but overall calm. She never rummaged in the kitchen cabinets, she never climbed on a chair, she never attempted to do anything without my help. In fact, when she learned to crawl, she wouldn't move out of the room I was in. Fast forward...Micah is in everything. He loves to get into the cabinets, he climbs on EVERYTHING...or at least attempts to. His legs are covered in bumps and bruises, scrapes and cuts. He is fearless in every sense of the word. This past weekend he had the first of many major accidents.
Josh had went to his parents over the weekend to prepare a deer hunting site, so it was me and the kiddos. I had everything well organized and prepared for my morning with both kids. I had the kids up and eating breakfast at 6:30 and out of the house by seven. I had recruited Pam to watch Micah and Abby was going to school. During the day, I received an email from Pam inviting us for supper. Those of you that are moms understand that you always eat any meal YOU don't have to prepare. So I arrived at Pam's about five and Abby immediately joined in the brood to play. I had sat down on the couch and hadn't been there five minutes when I heard Micah fall. I jumped up and he was walking towards me...crying and bleeding. The bottom of his chin had a big, wide gash. The cut was about one inch long but it seemed wide to me. Pam and I concluded that I should take him to an urgent care clinic. Since Josh was gone, I called Mom to ride with me so that I could sit in the back with Micah. Once Mom arrived, I left Abby with Pam and away we went. Micah did not fuss the entire drive to Care First. He didn't cry in the waiting room. In fact, he didn't even cry when the nurse and doctor came in to assess the situation. He would raise up his chin so everyone could see his injury. The doctor felt the cut was wide enough for stitches as opposed to just the "super glue."
So the all the necessary preparations were made and the nurse came in and wrapped up Micah like a mummy in order to restrain his arms. HE DIDN'T EVEN FUSS!!! He just laid there perfectly calm until....until the shot was given. Of course, he screamed and fought against me, mom, and two nurses. (As a result, I also cried:( ) And of course he cried and fought while the doctor stitched him up, but as soon as she was finished, he sat up and started waving to the nurses. He is such a turkey. He slept well and was fine the whole rest of the evening.
Sunday morning, after a night of camping in our woods, me and the kids came in the house while I fixed breakfast prior to church. Abby was playing a game at the kitchen table and Micah decided he should join her. I heard him fall and he immediately started holding his chin and crying. I quickly looked at his chin and realized that one of his stitches had busted out. So I had to go to urgent care for the second time in one weekend. Once again, Micah laughed more than cried. Since only one stitch busted, the nurse practitioner simply glued that portion of the cut and left the other stitches in place. When she was done, Micah acted like nothing had happened and immediately wanted to play.
Micah's rough and tumble attitude will earn him many injuries throughout his life. I am not sure if the stitches were a once in a lifetime accident or the first of many. Only time will tell. I pray that he stays safe, but also maintains his easy going personality.
Cold Days of February
9 years ago