Saturday, September 25, 2010

Life is a Stage!!!

Abby is a poser...not someone who strives to put on a front, but a real poser....for pictures. If any sort of camera is spied by Abby---phone camera, video camera, pretend cameras---Abby immediately strikes some sort of a pose. This trait has been a basis of her personality since she was old enough to recogonize a camera. She loves to be the center of attention (which I must admit is similar to my wants when I was her age). At about 18 months old, she began her mindset of "life's a stage." Since that point, she will break into song, dance, or pose at any given moment....regardless of the appropriateness of the timing or location. As a young mother, I often become frustrated when she lingers in these moments as opposed to doing as I commanded. However, when she is sweetly dreaming in her bed and I take a peek at her peaceful face, I know these moments are fleeting and I will soon want those little glimpses of her innocence to return. So in the meantime, as she continues to grow up too fast, I will pray for patience and learn to slow down and enjoy those moments more. Her personality leaves a fingerprint on all the hearts she touches. Enjoy some of the poses I captured!!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Stick a fork in me, I'm Done!!!

After 14 months of classes while caring for a family and maintaining a full-time job, I have finally completed my Master's. My classes were official over last week, but today I received my diploma. It states that I have received a Master of Arts in Education. Although I didn't walk the line, holding that diploma in hand is a sweet reward for the amount of work and time this degree required. I am so thankful to have found a program that caters to working professionals as well as mothers. I am blessed that Josh supported me throughout this degree, even through my stressful moments.

So now that I have new diploma, I look forward to a little less stress and a little more money...a nice combination to say the least.